Why Solar Power?

Renewable energy technologies are clean sources of energy that have a much lower environmental impact and benefit to earth.

Stable Energy Prices

Renewable energy is providing affordable electricity across the country right now, and can help stabilise energy prices in the future. While renewable facilities require upfront investments to build, once built they operate at very low cost and, for most technologies, the fuel is free. As a result, renewable energy prices are relatively stable over time.

The cost of solar systems are at an all-time low

The benefits of solar power to the average Australian household are myriad. Particularly when it comes to saving you money. Today, the average residential solar system is cheaper than ever. Thanks to technological strides and a current glut in the global manufacturing market, the price of solar modules has dropped by more than 75% in the past five years.

The sooner you buy, the sooner you save

While you might be tempted to hold on and see if the price of solar power systems falls even further, putting off your purchase may not necessarily make financial sense. Energy prices are already high and forecast to go higher, but solar power costs are at an all-time low. In fact, the overall cost of solar power in all Australian capital cities now actually sits below retail grid power prices.

Maintenance is minimal

Solar panels require very little maintenance. And while in the past some manufacturers advised buyers to have them cleaned every few years to ensure they continued to produce energy, today’s solar panels don’t even require this level of upkeep. Most experts now agree that it’s not worth the bother or expense cleaning high-performance solar panels since they should still operate efficiently even when dirty.